Tenacious Gold Coast detective receives recognition
In early August 2017, Detective Senior Constable Craig Andrew was awarded the Detective Superintendent’s Certificate (Investigative) for outstanding commitment and professionalism displayed during the course of an investigation.
On this occasion, Detective Senior Constable Andrew utilised a number of complex investigative strategies resulting in the arrest of an offender for serious child sex related offences. His professional attention to the subsequent brief of evidence allowed a very successfully prosecution and after a lengthy trial, the offender received a term of imprisonment.
Detective Senior Constable Andrew has been an officer of the Gold Coast Child Protection Investigation Unit for over eight years. He is a valued member of this work unit, and a mentor to many. Like his associates, he is a dedicated investigator who is extremely committed to his role in investigating offences committed against the most vulnerable members of our community.
Officer in Charge, Detective Senior Sergeant Troy Penrose said Detective Senior Constable Andrew is an outstanding police officer who showed great character on this particular matter.
“He pushed through a number of barriers with a clear view to provide the victim and their family every chance at seeking justice,” Detective Senior Sergeant Penrose said.
“It was a great effort and he really contributed to a positive result for them.”
Congratulations on your achievement Detective Senior Constable Andrew.

Detective Senior Sergeant Penrose; Detective Senior Constable Andrew; and Detective Superintendent Johnson
Source: Gold Coast Crime Alert